The 5 Kingdoms

  1. 1. Characteristics: Single celled, no nucleus
  2. 4. Monera: Reproduction
  3. 6. Fungi: Characteristics
  4. 7. Reproduction: Asexual forms plus gametes for sexual
  5. 8. Protista: cilia, flagella, ameboid, sessile
  6. 10. Aimalia: Locomotion (two words)
  7. 15. Fungi: budding or mating types
  8. 17. Plantae: Characteristics
  9. 18. Fungi: Forms
  10. 19. Locomotion: light weight spores float in air
  11. 20. Animalia: Reproduction
  12. 22. Pantae: Forms
  13. 23. Protista: Reproduction (two words)
  14. 25. Plantae: autotrophic (photosynthesis)
  1. 2. Energy: Heterotrophic (filter feeders)
  2. 3. Protista: Characteristics
  3. 5. Monera: Locomotion
  4. 9. Animalia: eukaryotic, multicellular, heterotrophs
  5. 11. onera: Energy
  6. 12. Monera: Blue-green bacteria
  7. 13. Protista: Forms
  8. 14. Fungi: Energy
  9. 16. Energy: autotrophic and heterotroph
  10. 21. Animalia: Forms
  11. 24. Pantae: Locomotion