The Agricultural Revolution

  1. 3. Tool used for grinding grain into flour.
  2. 9. The present-day country where the Neolithic community of Catalhuyuk was.
  3. 10. Any huge change in the way people live their lives.
  4. 12. What did the population do when nomads settled into farming communities?
  5. 15. Nomads settled on this kind of "land."
  6. 17. Doing a specific job based on your special talents or abilities.
  7. 18. A fancy word for farming.
  8. 20. An important crop that grew in the Nile Valley of Egypt.
  9. 21. This is what you do to get supplies you cannot yourself produce.
  1. 1. This replaced hunting and gathering as the main food source.
  2. 2. The name for the 4,000-year period called the New Stone Age.
  3. 4. Special farming tool used cutting grain.
  4. 5. A holy place where gods and goddesses were worshipped.
  5. 6. Special farming tool used for digging soil.
  6. 7. An early farming community between present-day Israel and Jordan.
  7. 8. A complex society with government, organized religion, social class structure, writing, art, building, and technology.
  8. 11. Copper + Tin = ?
  9. 13. To train, tame, or breed plants and animals for human use.
  10. 14. How people in an area make, buy, or sell goods and services.
  11. 16. Settled life gives people greater_______.
  12. 19. After the end of the last Ice Age, Earth's temperature did this.