- 3. Tool used for grinding grain into flour.
- 9. The present-day country where the Neolithic community of Catalhuyuk was.
- 10. Any huge change in the way people live their lives.
- 12. What did the population do when nomads settled into farming communities?
- 15. Nomads settled on this kind of "land."
- 17. Doing a specific job based on your special talents or abilities.
- 18. A fancy word for farming.
- 20. An important crop that grew in the Nile Valley of Egypt.
- 21. This is what you do to get supplies you cannot yourself produce.
- 1. This replaced hunting and gathering as the main food source.
- 2. The name for the 4,000-year period called the New Stone Age.
- 4. Special farming tool used cutting grain.
- 5. A holy place where gods and goddesses were worshipped.
- 6. Special farming tool used for digging soil.
- 7. An early farming community between present-day Israel and Jordan.
- 8. A complex society with government, organized religion, social class structure, writing, art, building, and technology.
- 11. Copper + Tin = ?
- 13. To train, tame, or breed plants and animals for human use.
- 14. How people in an area make, buy, or sell goods and services.
- 16. Settled life gives people greater_______.
- 19. After the end of the last Ice Age, Earth's temperature did this.