The Amazing IIT Chemical Engineering Crossword

  1. 4. What you get to pay to IIT-AICHE.
  2. 8. There's none WISER.
  3. 10. So you have four reactors that all connect... GO!
  4. 12. Place for dinner with professors
  5. 14. You can't go through ChemE without him.
  6. 16. Ask him if you need a transport.
  7. 18. She will teach you about the profession.
  8. 19. "___ the element on the periodic table"
  1. 1. Said by some to be bald and skinny.
  2. 2. Hello Mr. President
  3. 3. Our least favorite disorder.
  4. 5. Talk with him to get ahead in the department.
  5. 6. The f-word.
  6. 7. Reactor with no accumulation.
  7. 9. He knows his biology!
  8. 11. He defines the term "curveball" on an exam.
  9. 13. The coolest organization around.
  10. 15. Wishnick's green trademark.
  11. 17. He really likes fuel cells.