The American Civil War

  1. 2. Document freeing slaves in Union-controlled Confederate states
  2. 3. The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
  3. 7. To leave or withdraw
  4. 10. Rapid-fire gun capable of shooting 600 rounds per minute.
  5. 13. Turning point of the Civil War that made it clear the North would win.
  6. 14. The march of an army of 62,000 men from Atlanta toward Savannah, Georgia which left a path of almost total destruction.
  7. 15. Led the North to victory.
  1. 1. President of the United States of America during the Civil War.
  2. 4. This battle fficially began the Civil War.
  3. 5. Civil War battle in which 25,000 men were killed or wounded. It is considered the bloodiest day of the Civil War.
  4. 6. The fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi, to General Ulysses S. Grant's army on July 4th, 1863, after 48 days of seige.
  5. 8. ship made of iron
  6. 9. the United States (especially the northern states during the American Civil War)
  7. 11. Place where Civil War ended on April 9, 1865, when Lee surrendered to Grant.
  8. 12. General of the Confederacy considered to be one of the greatest generals of all time