The American Dream

  1. 4. generous and forgiving
  2. 7. fake or phony
  3. 8. overly willing to serve others
  4. 10. to stop or prevent completely
  5. 11. something handed down
  6. 12. a group of islands
  7. 14. to move or cause to move an extreme speed
  8. 15. happening in present
  9. 16. a respresentative of a country
  1. 1. to wipe out completely
  2. 2. a bold show of strength
  3. 3. a person who offers expert opinion
  4. 5. greey, a soldier for hire
  5. 6. to count or to list
  6. 7. loyalty to a person or group
  7. 9. to leave a country and move permantly to another
  8. 13. breaking with the usual