The American Revolution - 1750s to the 1780s vocab

  1. 2. An agreement for mutual benefits between an individual, group, or community and its government
  2. 3. gathering of the 13 colonies except one: Georgia
  3. 6. British general who surrendered at the battle of Yorktown in 1781
  4. 7. Last battle of the Revolutionary War
  5. 8. Colonits who called for independence from Great Britain during the American Revolution
  6. 12. A riot that occurred in the city of Boston
  7. 13. Signed by Great Britain and France; officially ending the French and Indian war
  8. 14. “Give me liberty or give me death!”
  9. 18. The reason America celebrates the 4th of July
  10. 20. Colonists disguised as Indians tossed several hundred chests of tea into the Harbor
  11. 24. Theory that individuals have unalienable rights given to them by nature or god
  12. 27. Commander in chief of the British army during the American revolutionary war
  13. 28. Author of common sense
  14. 29. A series of laws passed by the British in 1774 enacted to punish colonists for the Boston Tea Party
  1. 1. First military confrontation of the Revolutionary War; occurred in Massachusetts
  2. 4. Colonists who remain neutral
  3. 5. The war between Great Britain and its American colonies occurring between 1775 and 1783
  4. 9. The philosophy concept expressing balance sought in the system of the government in the united states
  5. 10. A time of great philosophical thought and scientific invention in Europe
  6. 11. English philosopher with the idea of Natural rights and the social contract
  7. 15. A pamphlet authorised by Thomas Paine and published in 1776
  8. 16. First president of the United States
  9. 17. A group of people who remain neutral in foreign affairs
  10. 19. colonists who were ready to fight at a minute’s notice
  11. 21. Sole control of the supply of a good service
  12. 22. British law passed in 1756 that imposed a tax on all printed material; contributed to the start of the American Revolutionary War
  13. 23. the “seven-year war” between England and France
  14. 25. Signed by the United States and Great Britain in 1783; officially ended the Revolutionary War and acknolodged America’s independence
  15. 26. Author of the declaration of independence