The Anasazi

  1. 2. Stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating are both examples of Archaeological ________.
  2. 3. A water-proof black substance put in baskets to make them hold water.
  3. 7. People who study artifacts to learn about the people who made them.
  4. 8. The language that the word "Anasazi" comes from.
  5. 9. A ceremonial building built by the Puebloans.
  1. 1. Archaeologists called the period where Ancestral Puebloans made lots of baskets the ____________ era.
  2. 4. How do archaeologists know that there were dry years without water?
  3. 5. One of the States that the Ancestral Puebloans lived.
  4. 6. The place that the cliff dwellings are found.