The Ancien Regime key terms crossword

  1. 4. Lettre de ________ - The King could have anyone arrested by issuing one of these!
  2. 5. The middle classes - members of the Third Estate who had gained some wealth.
  3. 6. Palace where the Kings of France lived.
  4. 9. Don ________ the 'free gift' - the clergy paid this instead of tax.
  5. 10. Capital city of France
  6. 11. If the King ruled unfairly and not in the interests of the people he would be accused of being a ?
  7. 13. Religion of France
  8. 14. A ________ system is where peasants work on land owned by a noble who they must pay rents to.
  9. 15. __________ Monarchy - the way France was ruled in the 18th century.
  1. 1. Members of the Third Estate paid this tax to the church
  2. 2. A law court that served as a check on the King's power - they had to agree to register a law for it to be implemented.
  3. 3. Nobles of the Second Estate had many of these including status and tax exemptions
  4. 7. Enlightenment thinkers loved this idea
  5. 8. Word used to describe a society with clear rankings and status differences.
  6. 12. Name given to thinkers of the Enlightenment
  7. 13. _________ General - the most important of the King's ministers because he was in charge of finances.