- 4. The name of an bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the mid-1300s
- 6. The name doctors were called back in the ancient times for treating the sick
- 8. The first to set up hospitals
- 10. the first to use the technique, Cupping, in China
- 12. The average lifespan of a roman in the ancient times (word form)
- 14. The first to draw detailed images of anatomy
- 18. Known for their sophisticated sculpture and architecture
- 19. The man who created the first mercury thermometer in 1744
- 21. The medicine the ancient Chinese used for healing were..
- 22. The healers in ancient Egypt were known as Priests and..
- 1. These animals were special in Egypt
- 2. When did the Arabs begin requiring physicians pass examinations
- 3. Rx in Latin means..
- 5. The name for the early Pharmacists who made, prescribed, and sold medications
- 7. The first to study and teach anatomy
- 9. The first to make and use tea
- 11. The first to embalm
- 13. The average lifespan of an egyptian in the ancient times (word form)
- 15. Where the pyramids of Giza are located.
- 16. The first to come up with the idea of 'hand washing'
- 17. The man who introduced tube feeding
- 20. The inventor of the stethoscope