The Arabian Peninsula

  1. 5. Ship of the desert
  2. 6. Covers three-quarters of the Peninsula
  3. 8. Dried up river bed (singular)
  4. 9. Where there are more fertile areas on the Peninsula
  5. 12. What I think the Red Sea looks like
  6. 14. An island of vegetation in the middle of a desert
  7. 15. One of the cities at the eastern end of the Asian silk roads
  1. 1. Name of empire we just started studying
  2. 2. Incorrect name for this part of Southwest Asia (no spaces)
  3. 3. Long line of traders
  4. 4. Very important city in the religion of Islam
  5. 7. What is stored in the humps of camels
  6. 10. Source of wealth for Arabian Peninsula today
  7. 11. Narrow strip of land that connects two larger land areas
  8. 13. Number of sides that surround the Arabian Peninsula with water