The Articles of Confederation

  1. 2. Process for changing the Articles (required unanimity)
  2. 3. Paper money issued by both Congress and the states
  3. 4. Financial burden left over from the Revolutionary War
  4. 5. Last state to ratify the Articles in 1781
  5. 7. Prominent American who helped draft the Articles
  6. 9. Proposed tax on imports that was blocked by New York
  7. 11. Maryland city that hosted a key convention
  8. 13. Sole governing body under the Articles
  9. 15. Process by which the Articles were approved
  10. 16. Single-chambered legislature under the Articles
  11. 18. Power retained by individual states
  1. 1. Union of states created by the Articles
  2. 6. Field in which Congress had sole authority
  3. 8. Requests for funds made by Congress to the states
  4. 10. Number of states in the Confederation
  5. 11. Defensive pact among the states under the Articles
  6. 12. Rebellion that exposed the Articles' weaknesses
  7. 14. Territory governed by the Articles' Land Ordinance
  8. 17. Branch of state governments that appointed Congress delegates
  9. 19. Power held by Congress under the Articles