- 3. One structure on the Acropolis was the _________.
- 4. each group sent 50 __________ a year to the council of 500.
- 5. pericles guided Athens through a ________, a period of great cultural achievement.(two words)
- 7. Pericels used the league's money to biuld Athens _________ ____. (two words)
- 9. Who organized citizens into four classes based on wealth.
- 1. Athens and the other city-states formed an anti-Persian _______.
- 2. Athens now had a __________, in which citizens gathered together to vote on laws and politics. (two words)
- 6. who is one of athens greatest leaders.
- 7. The Spartans were not happy that the Athenians were gaining so much ______.
- 8. Athens was still in ruins from the Persian ____.