The Atom

  1. 1. foil
  2. 3. The scientific name for materials
  3. 6. Purpose of the x-rays in Oil Drop Experiment
  4. 10. students Hans Geiger and Ernest Masden
  5. 11. Oil Drop Experiment
  6. 12. rays Cause of fluorescence in vacuum tube.
  7. 14. Positive electrode
  1. 1. First people to propose that matter is made up of very small particles
  2. 2. Devised an Atomic Theory
  3. 4. Set about trying to discover what was happening in vacuum tubes after electric current
  4. 5. Charge on particles attracted to anode
  5. 7. used beryllium.
  6. 8. discovery after experimentation with gold foil.
  7. 9. Units for charge of electron
  8. 13. Plum Pudding Model of the Atom