The Awesome Class of Room 4

  1. 2. I like to play football and my hero is Christopher Columbus
  2. 5. I love video games and my hero is Neil Armstrong
  3. 8. I love to wear converse and my hero is Sally Ride
  4. 9. I had a big head when I was a baby and my hero is Cesar Chavez
  5. 10. I love dresses a lot but I don't like to wear it to school and my hero is Abraham Lincoln
  6. 16. I love to shop with my mom and my hero is General Vang Pao
  7. 17. My favorite color is black and my hero is Mackenzie
  8. 19. I like dresses and love makeup and my hero is Bruno Mars
  9. 20. I'm kind of funny and my hero is Ghandi
  10. 21. I am good at soccer and my hero is Daniel Bryan
  1. 1. I like to play sports at home and my hero is Martin Luther King Jr.
  2. 3. I love black and yellow and my hero is L.G.G.
  3. 4. I do makeup sometimes when I am bored and my hero is General Vang Pao
  4. 6. love music and my hero is the Undertaker
  5. 7. I love shoes and my hero is General Vang Pao
  6. 11. I am good at football and sleeping and my hero is General Vang Pao
  7. 12. I'm mean and my favorite food is pho and my hero is General Vang Pao
  8. 13. I love baby blue and my hero is Caesar Chavez
  9. 14. I sleep good and my hero is Abraham Lincoln
  10. 15. I am a little bit of a tom boy and my hero is Mandy Vang
  11. 18. I like to watch basketball and my hero is Michael Jordan