The Awesome Class of Room 4

  1. 2. I love video games and my hero is Neil Armstrong
  2. 4. I had a big head when I was a baby and my hero is Cesar Chavez
  3. 6. I like to play football and my hero is Christopher Columbus
  4. 7. I am a little bit of a tom boy and my hero is Mandy Vang
  5. 10. I'm mean and my favorite food is pho and my hero is General Vang Pao
  6. 12. I like to play sports at home and my hero is Martin Luther King Jr.
  7. 13. I love to shop with my mom and my hero is General Vang Pao
  8. 16. I sleep good and my hero is Abraham Lincoln
  9. 17. I love baby blue and my hero is Caesar Chavez
  10. 18. I do makeup sometimes when I am bored and my hero is General Vang Pao
  11. 19. I love to wear converse and my hero is Sally Ride
  1. 1. I'm kind of funny and my hero is Ghandi
  2. 3. I like to watch basketball and my hero is Michael Jordan
  3. 4. I love dresses a lot but I don't like to wear it to school and my hero is Abraham Lincoln
  4. 5. I love black and yellow and my hero is L.G.G.
  5. 8. love music and my hero is the Undertaker
  6. 9. I am good at football and sleeping and my hero is General Vang Pao
  7. 11. My favorite color is black and my hero is Mackenzie
  8. 14. I like dresses and love makeup and my hero is Bruno Mars
  9. 15. I love shoes and my hero is General Vang Pao
  10. 20. I am good at soccer and my hero is Daniel Bryan