- 2. Containing salt.
- 3. The hottest of the four temperate seasons, and almost here!
- 9. An aromatic purple plant of the mint family!
- 10. Flat round bread with toppings and probably lots of cheese!
- 12. Filling every materia slot, no matter how sad (and poor) it makes you!
- 13. Someone who heals (or is at least supposed to!)
- 15. Someone from another data center!
- 16. Nine squares in nine squares makes this type of number puzzle!
- 17. You might get one of these if you're a good party member, or maybe not!
- 1. Put these on your gear to make it better, but at what cost?
- 2. On the surface; only real at first glance
- 4. Someone from another world!
- 5. Increase progress at greater cost to durability.
- 6. Use these to play music you get on rolls!
- 7. The Holy See's preeminent warrior; a bright blue color!
- 8. First bard instrument on the list!
- 11. A tasty aromatic spice made from peeled tree bark!
- 14. Aetherial Reduction materials used to craft high-end foods and other things!