The Back to the Future Trilogy

  1. 2. Who played George in the first film?
  2. 5. What form does the new time machine take at the end of the third film?
  3. 7. What was Doc's job in 1885?
  4. 9. Why did Marty play the guitar at the dance?
  5. 12. What song played at the dance where George and Lorraine had their first kiss in the first movie?
  6. 13. Where did Doc end up at the end of Back to the Future: Part II?
  7. 19. What is George's job?
  8. 20. What state is Hill Valley in?
  9. 21. What show was playing on the Baines' TV in the first movie when Marty comments that the episode they are watching of that show was a re-run?
  10. 23. Where did elderly George, in the second movie, hurt his back?
  11. 26. What mechanism was the key to time travel?
  12. 28. What band played at the dance in the first film?
  13. 30. Who designed 2015 Hill Valley?
  14. 32. Who played Clara?
  15. 33. Where did Biff crash when Marty escaped him with the skateboard in the first movie?
  16. 34. What song did Marty play on the guitar at the 1955 dance?
  17. 41. What day of the week did the first two movies take place during 1985?
  18. 42. What items made Marty realize that old Biff had stolen the sports almanac?
  19. 44. What do Clara and Doc name their kids?
  20. 45. What show was playing on Doc's TV when Marty took 1955 Doc to his house at the beginning of the third movie?
  21. 48. What month did all three movies take place during 1985?
  22. 50. What is the name of Biff's grandson in 2015?
  23. 51. In the second movie, what does the 2015 time machine do that the 1985 DeLorean cannot?
  24. 53. What is Doc's full name?
  25. 56. What is Dave, Marty's brother's, job at the start of the first movie?
  26. 57. Who played Lorraine?
  27. 59. Why was Clara's horse scared?
  28. 60. What soda fountain do Marty and young George go to in 1955?
  29. 63. What was Doc's fate at the beginning of the first film?
  30. 66. What date did lightning strike the clock tower?
  31. 69. What is Marty's girlfriend's name?
  32. 70. Who played Biff?
  33. 72. In the first film, what time did Doc set all of his clocks for?
  34. 73. Who played Doc?
  35. 74. Why do Lorraine and George eventually get together in the post-time-travel 1955?
  36. 75. How does the DeLorean get destroyed in the third movie?
  37. 76. wells portrayed jennifer in 1st film
  38. 77. What does Marty use to escape Griff?
  1. 1. What was the name of Doc's old dog from 1955?
  2. 3. What was George's favorite TV show in 1955?
  3. 4. What is George's role in regards to Biff?
  4. 5. What is Marty's catchphrase?
  5. 6. Who did Doc fall in love with?
  6. 8. The words on the time machine's license plate
  7. 10. In the first movie, what did Marty use to escape Biff?
  8. 11. What is Marty's great-great grandfather's name?
  9. 14. What was young Biff's fate after the encounter with old Biff?
  10. 15. Who played Marty?
  11. 16. What does Jennifer do when she sees her older self in 2015?
  12. 17. When Marty travelled to 1885, what month was it in 1885?
  13. 18. What scientific measurement does Doc say will power the time machine when plutonium was scarce in 1955?
  14. 22. What is the color of Marty's signature vest?
  15. 24. What is Doc's catchphrase?
  16. 25. How many tardies had Marty gotten in a row when he arrived late to school in the first movie?
  17. 27. How much did the repair to Biff's manure-filled car cost him?
  18. 29. What is Marty's daughter's name?
  19. 31. What is Clara's job in 1885?
  20. 35. What is a frequent theme in Back to the Future, which is a situation that seems unlikely at first, but proves to be true, which Doc mentions will happen if history is altered too much?
  21. 36. What can't the hoverboard fly on?
  22. 37. Where does Marty meet his son?
  23. 38. What gives the DeLorean time machine gas?
  24. 39. Why did Marty give up on his music?
  25. 40. Who did Old Biff talk to about the sports almanac when he time-travelled?
  26. 43. How does Marty survive in his battle with Buford Tannen, Biff's grandfather from 1885?
  27. 46. Who was the first time-traveller?
  28. 47. how many miles per hour it takes to time travel
  29. 49. Who directed the trilogy?
  30. 52. portrayed Jennifer in 2nd and third films
  31. 54. How did 1955 Doc discover that 1985 Doc travelled to 1885 in the third film?
  32. 55. What was Doc and Clara's favorite author?
  33. 58. What Hill Valley native did Doc mention in 1985 that Marty saw in 1955?
  34. 61. What name did Lorraine think Marty's name was in 1955?
  35. 62. What historical figure does Lorraine's father not know in 1955 when Marty mentions that 1955 Doc lives on the avenue named after him?
  36. 64. What is Marty's favorite drink?
  37. 65. Who composed the score for the trilogy?
  38. 67. How many years did it take to make all three movies?
  39. 68. What day of the week did the third movie take place during 1985?
  40. 71. Who made a cameo in Back to the Future in the Battle of the Bands scene and sang "The Power of Love" in the film?