The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes

  1. 2. the bird scientist study in district 12
  2. 4. where the hunger games are held
  3. 6. group of people lucygray lives with
  4. 7. Lucy Gray's District
  5. 10. amount of tributes chosen for the hunger games
  6. 11. The Tenth Hunger Games Victor
  7. 12. Coriolanus's gift to Lucygray
  8. 13. in the war, it was the capital against the _____
  1. 1. What Coriolanus did after the games
  2. 3. the mutt put into the arena by Dr. Gaul
  3. 5. broke into the arena
  4. 8. head game maker of the hunger games
  5. 9. number of tributes who lived to participate
  6. 14. lucygray's talent