  1. 1. Used for washing hands and face
  2. 4. Helps keep teeth clean and fresh
  3. 8. Used for personal hygiene after using the toilet
  4. 10. Used for shaving
  5. 12. Controls moisture and dries the hair
  6. 14. Used for personal hygiene
  7. 15. Used to dry off after washing
  1. 1. A way to wash the entire body
  2. 2. Helps clean dirt and germs
  3. 3. A hook for hanging towels
  4. 5. Reflects outward appearance
  5. 6. A cozy garment to wear after bathing
  6. 7. Used to measure weight
  7. 9. Used to clean the body
  8. 11. Used to clean the hair
  9. 13. A large container filled with water for bathing