The Beatles

  1. 3. la melodié
  2. 4. faire une tourné- _______ a concert.
  3. 7. it's the instrument that Ringo Star played.
  4. 8. it's the instrument that Paul McCartney played.
  5. 11. John and ________ were the main singers.
  6. 13. répéter
  7. 15. this type of music is played by Guns N Roses.
  8. 16. un auteur, compositeur
  9. 18. les paroles in English
  10. 19. One of the most famous songs of the Beatles "Let it _____"
  1. 1. un disque
  2. 2. the Beatles were ________ in 1960.
  3. 5. this type of music is played in churches.
  4. 6. Eminem sing this type of music.
  5. 9. The Beatles often wore suits at their concerts.
  6. 10. le refrain
  7. 11. George Harrison __________ the guitar.
  8. 12. enregistre un album.... _______ an album
  9. 14. It's an instrument that John Lennon played.
  10. 17. The Beatles __________ up in 1970.