The beginning of the Cold War

  1. 3. worldwide rivalry between the United States and Soviet Union
  2. 6. military alliance by the soviet union and its satellite states
  3. 7. prime minister of England who fought the Nazis in WWII and fought the communists after
  4. 9. foreign policy that offered economic aid to Western countries after WWII
  5. 10. military alliance formed by US and other western nations to counter the Soviet Union
  6. 13. a proposal to achieve something
  7. 14. a from of metal
  8. 16. to describe the border of the soviet satellite states and the Western States
  9. 17. policy of keeping communism contained within its existing borders
  10. 19. preventing someone from receiving or sending things
  11. 20. a covering of a door or window
  1. 1. program where US and british pilots flew supplies to West Berlin during Soviet Blockade
  2. 2. something that is separate from something but is still reliant from it
  3. 4. leader of Soviet Union after WWII and at beginning of Cold war
  4. 5. President Truman's promise to help nations who are struggling against communist movements
  5. 8. came up with US policy of containment
  6. 11. a friendship between countries
  7. 12. a stated policy from the US government
  8. 15. independent nation under control of a more powerful nation
  9. 18. President of US at the end of WWII and at beginning of Cold War