  1. 2. a polite expression of praise or admiration
  2. 6. at an angle of 90 degrees
  3. 9. to remain in one place in the air
  4. 10. extremely silly or unreasonable
  5. 12. an uncontrolled outburst of anger and frustration
  6. 13. freely offer to do something
  7. 14. in a way that expresses happiness or satisfaction
  8. 16. ugly or disgusting to look at
  9. 17. begin or continue a course of action
  10. 20. to annoy
  11. 22. be all around
  12. 23. to burn fiercely or brightly
  13. 24. to watch carefully the way something happens
  14. 26. wild or violent anger
  1. 1. at once; as soon as
  2. 3. a crazy person
  3. 4. to attack or kill by choking
  4. 5. in a reluctant or resentful manner
  5. 7. visually striking event
  6. 8. the amount or number of a material
  7. 11. excellent, very good
  8. 12. to tie the arms and legs of someone tightly
  9. 15. spread out over a large area in an irregular way
  10. 18. the use of skill to bring something about or create something
  11. 19. extremely unpleasant, horrifying
  12. 20. to be filled with wonder or astonishment
  13. 21. an unfortunate or unhappy person
  14. 25. a task, an assignment