The Bible and The Holy Scriptures

  1. 2. The Bible contains seventy____ books
  2. 3. Sense
  3. 4. Bible index
  4. 6. Latin version of the bible declared authoritative by the Council of Trent
  5. 10. The Book of Job, The Book of Psalms, The Book of Proverbs, etc
  6. 12. Osee, Joel & Micheas are ___ prophets
  7. 13. First five books of the Bible
  8. 17. Author of a canonical gospel
  9. 19. Last books of the Bible
  10. 20. Language of most of New Testament
  1. 1. Synonym for Torah
  2. 5. Books written before the Incarnation of our Lord
  3. 7. Inspired by
  4. 8. "Catechesis of prayer"
  5. 9. Isaias, Jeremias & Daniel are ___ prophets
  6. 11. List of inspired books
  7. 14. Language of most of Old Testament
  8. 15. Sense
  9. 16. Synonym for Holy Scripture
  10. 18. First book of the bible