The Big 20

  1. 2. Root of Civil War Tree- to be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening
  2. 4. Formed in 1848 to oppose slavery in the territory acquired in the Mexican War; nominated Martin Van Buren for president in 1848. By 1854 most of the party’s members had joined the Republican Party. This party opposed the expansion of slavery and wanted settlers of the territory to decide whether or not to have slavery(2 words, separated by a dash in the middle)
  3. 6. The economy of these states was dependent on slavery and were against the abolition of slavery.
  4. 9. Root of Civil War Tree - lack of knowledge or information
  5. 14. What is the name to the independent nation built up of states that were in the southern part of North America? Additionally, they won the First and Second Battle of the Bull Run.
  6. 15. These states were anti-slavery and acted many times to stop slavery from continuing.
  7. 17. The deal proposed by Kentucky senator Henry Clay in 1820 to resolve the slave/free imbalance in Congress that would result from Missouri’s admission as a slave state; Maine’s admission as a free state offset Missouri, and slavery was prohibited in the remainder of the Louisiana Territory north of the southern border of Missouri.(2 words together)
  8. 19. A legal or economic system in which principles of property law are applied to humans allowing them to be classified as property, to be owned, bought and sold accordingly, and they cannot withdraw unilaterally from the arrangement.This is what led to the events that led to the Civil War
  9. 20. Who won the Election of 1860? This election angered Confederates because they lost a voice when he was president.
  1. 1. Root of Civil War Tree - intense and selfish desire for something (food, money, power)
  2. 3. Who led the Raid on Harper's Ferry? (2 words together)
  3. 5. Root of Civil War Tree - evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one's own culture.
  4. 7. Anti-slavery novel written by American author Harriet Beecher. Book showed stark realities of slavery, the brutality of slavery, helped “lay groundwork for Civil war" (3 words together, second word has 's)
  5. 8. Name of the document that was designed to eliminate slavery within the land acquired as a result of the Mexican War (2 words together)
  6. 10. Many people moved to this state to vote whether or not this state would be a slavery or non-slavery state, because Senator Steven Douglas from Illinois did not want to decide whether or not, the states would be free or not.
  7. 11. Root of Civil War Tree - intense dislike or ill will
  8. 12. Network of secret routes and safety houses for slaves to runaway to the free states (2 words together)
  9. 13. This is the southern states near the Mexican border that America fought for during the Mexican American war.
  10. 16. Root of Civil War Tree - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior
  11. 18. Root of Civil War Tree Synonyms: control, authority, influence, dominance.