- 4. Plan proposed at the 1787 Constitutional Convention for creating a national bicameral, two body, legislature.
- 6. The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution describing citizen’s rights that the new federal government must protect.
- 10. Conference of state delegates at Annapolis, Maryland call for a meeting at Philadelphia to consider fundamental changes for the new Republic.
- 13. This first tariff, tax on imported goods, was intended to raise revenue and not protect American manufacturers from foreign competition.
- 16. Group of leaders in the 1780s loyal to American nationality working to replace the Articles of Confederation.
- 18. Treaty of 1795 in which Native Americans in the Northwest Territories were forced to cede most of the present state of Ohio to the U.S.
- 20. Collective name given to the four acts passed by Congress in 1798 that curtailed freedom of speech and the liberty of foreign residents in the U.S.
- 21. Act of Congress that implemented the judiciary clause of the Constitution by establishing the Supreme Court & a system of lower federal courts.
- 22. Opponents of the Constitution in the debate over its ratification, demanding a weak central government & more power delegated to individual states.
- 24. Diplomatic incident in 1789 in which Americans were outraged by the demand of the French for a bribe as a condition for negotiating with American diplomats.
- 25. Party headed by Thomas Jefferson that formed in opposition to financial & diplomatic policies of the Federalist Party, favoring limited government and giving more power to the states.
- 26. The sharing of powers between governments with the national government having certain authority over the states but also preserving some power to the states.
- 27. Basic law passed by Congress in 1790 which stated that the U.S. would regulate trade & interaction with Native Americans tribes.
- 1. Written document creating a weak confederation, or group, of states form the first national government of the United States.
- 2. Law that provided the authority to survey and sell land in the west to the Mississippi River to U.S. citizens.
- 3. A bill authored by Thomas Jefferson establishing religious freedom in Virginia ultimately being added to the Bill of Rights.
- 5. An armed movement of debt-ridden farmers in western Massachusetts in the winter of 1786-1787 rising up to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor.
- 7. Favoring the rights of individual states over rights claimed by the national government.
- 8. The written document that created a new form of centralized government over the states and replacing the Articles of Confederation.
- 9. Treaty with Britain negotiated in 1794 in which the U.S. made major concessions to avert a war over British seizures of American ships.
- 11. Proposal of the New Jersey delegation for a strengthened national government in which all states would have an equal representation in a unicameral, single body, legislature.
- 12. Chartered government territory, currently the Midwest, that created a framework for states to join the newly formed Union and listed a bill of rights.
- 14. Undeclared naval war of 1797 to 1800 between the United States and France.
- 15. A power implied in the Constitution that gives federal courts the right to review and determine the constitutionality of acts passed by Congress and state legislatures.
- 17. Supporters of the Constitution who favored ratification, demanding a strong central government that oversees smaller state governments.
- 19. Proposal calling for a national legislature in which the states would be represented according to population.
- 23. The right to vote in a political election.