The Blood, Lymphatic & Immune Systems by: Lauren Rodriguez

  1. 1. / Inflammation of a Vein caused by a Clot
  2. 5. Blood Cells / <1%
  3. 9. / Hgm
  4. 11. / White Blood Cells
  5. 12. Cells / T4 Cells
  6. 13. / How many Pints of Blood are in an Adult Body?\
  7. 15. / Substance that is harmful, or perceived as harmful to the body.
  8. 17. / Cancer treatment that boosts the body's natural defenses to fight cancer.
  9. 18. / Blood Clotting
  10. 21. / Red Blood Cells
  11. 22. Node / Catches foreign substances in the body before it enters the blood stream
  12. 24. System / Removes Waste, Germs, Toxins, Controls Fluid Balance, and Manufactures & Transports Lymph
  13. 26. Immunity / Acquired Active or Passive Immunity
  1. 2. / Deficiency of WBC's
  2. 3. / Protein made by the Immune System when the Immune System detects an Antigen.
  3. 4. Cells / T8 Cells
  4. 6. / Rupture or Destruction of RBC's
  5. 7. / Enlargement of the Spleen
  6. 8. / Disorder of excessive Red Blood Cell Production
  7. 10. / Contains Albumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen, & Prothrombin - 55%
  8. 14. / Platelets
  9. 16. / Acute Illness marked by Increased Atypical Lymphocytes or Monocytes
  10. 19. Immunity / Phagocytosis, Macrophages & Natural Killer (NK) Cells
  11. 20. / Provided by B Cells
  12. 23. Tonsils / Lymphatic Tissue on either side of the Throat
  13. 25. Tonsils / Lymphatic Tissue on the Base of the Tongue