The Body System

  1. 3. / What part of the brain coordinates the actions of your muscle?
  2. 7. / What does the kidney do? (two words)
  3. 12. / What is stored in the gallbladder until released into the small intestine?
  4. 13. / The energy we absorb is released by _______ energy
  5. 15. / Most chemical digestion happen here (two words)
  6. 18. / Carries blood back to the heart
  7. 19. / The grape like sturcture wrapped by capillaries
  1. 1. / What is an automatic response that occurs rapidly without control?
  2. 2. / There is the _________________, the spinal chord and the eripheral nervous system
  3. 4. / Most mechanical digestion happen here
  4. 5. / The main organ in the excretory system
  5. 6. / What organ is the control center of the Central Nervous System?
  6. 8. / The air goes in through the nose, then the phatynx, the the ________, then the bronchi
  7. 9. / Blood enters through the _____________ (two words)
  8. 10. / The main organ in the circulatory system
  9. 11. / The blood exchange occur here
  10. 14. / What connecting tissue is more flexible that a bone?
  11. 16. / The ribcage that protects the heart is a part of the ___________ system
  12. 17. / The __________ system protects organisms against deseases