The Body

  1. 3. Made to kiss.
  2. 4. It's not very polite to do it at all.
  3. 5. It's how you eat anything.
  4. 6. Don't bite them!
  5. 9. You wear a watch on it.
  6. 10. The inside part of your hand.
  7. 12. You lift them if you're surprised.
  8. 15. Collected while getting older.
  9. 17. The upper part of your leg.
  10. 19. Easier if you have long nails.
  11. 22. Very important for water in your body.
  12. 23. You do it when you're sleepy.
  13. 24. Where men usually look.
  14. 26. Moves the head, hides in winter.
  15. 27. Saying goodbye without words.
  1. 1. Shows disapproval.
  2. 2. Shake it when you dance.
  3. 3. You breathe (and shout) with them.
  4. 5. The lower part of your leg.
  5. 7. The chemical factory of the human body.
  6. 8. Where your arm bends.
  7. 9. You can wear a belt there.
  8. 11. Used for thinking, well, by some people.
  9. 12. They say: the longer, the better.
  10. 13. The blood pump.
  11. 14. You hit it when you forgot something.
  12. 16. The lower part of your face.
  13. 18. Everybody needs one (with your arms).
  14. 20. You can twist/sprain it.
  15. 21. Achilles had it soft.
  16. 22. Before a prayer.
  17. 24. They get red if you're embarrassed.
  18. 25. It's not very polite to do it for long.
  19. 27. It's a kind of blink but not very serious.