The book of MICAH

  1. 3. Micah sums Him up as he shouts, “Who is a..... like You
  2. 6. A a small number of
  3. 8. I will wait for the God of my.........
  4. 10. But you....shall come forth to Me
  5. 11. Micah was just a common man, so the people challenged his..........
  6. 13. what does the Lord........ of you, but to do justly,to love mercy a
  1. 1. Micah warned the people not only of coming.....
  2. 2. The author of this book
  3. 4. Let the Lord God be a......against you
  4. 5. and to love mercy,and to walk...... with your God?
  5. 7. people who really love the Lord
  6. 9. Micah means, who is like the .........
  7. 12. He will “cast all our sins into the depths of the.......