The Book of Numbers

  1. 2. The number of rods Moses set in the tent of meeting before the tabernacle? (17)
  2. 5. This was made of hammered silver used to summon the congregation, and for breaking camp.
  3. 8. This covered the tabernacle on the day it was set up. (9)
  4. 11. He was the priest after Aaron's death. (34)
  5. 12. The Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of ______ (1)
  6. 13. Moses said "________, O Lord, and let thy enemies be scattered; and let them that hate the flee before thee. (10)
  7. 16. The fourth book of Moses? (1)
  8. 17. The book of Numbers is said to be written by _________. (1)
  9. 18. The mount where Aaron died? (20)
  10. 22. The Lord said to Moses "On the fourteenth day of the first month is the Lord's ______." (28)
  11. 24. His name was written upon the rod of Levi. (17)
  12. 25. Mariam died there and was buried there? (20)
  13. 26. From each _______ one man was to go out and spy out the land.(13)
  14. 28. The __________ of the people of Israel shall not be transferred from one tribe to another. (36)
  15. 30. The Lord said to Moses "send men to spy out the land of _____ which I give to the people of Israel." (13)
  16. 32. The name of the slain man from Israel who was with the Midianite woman. (25)
  17. 33. God promised the people of Israel a land flowing with milk and ___________. (16)
  18. 35. When Balak heard that Balaam had come, he went out to meet him at the city of ______. (22)
  19. 37. The son of Nun? (14)
  1. 1. "The Lord make His ______ to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; (6)
  2. 3. Seventy ________ of Israel were to stand with Moses at the tent of meeting. (11)
  3. 4. The Lord told Moses to take a _______ to get an accounting of the people. (1)
  4. 6. One who kills with intent. (35)
  5. 7. The number of days the Israelites spied out the land? (13)
  6. 9. From the wilderness of Sinai the people went to the wilderness of ________. (10)
  7. 10. Eliab was the son of ________. (7)
  8. 14. Whom did the Lord say to Moses, "to lay his hands upon"? (27)
  9. 15. The number of times Balaam blessed Israel? (24)
  10. 19. The angel of the Lord had this in his hand when the Lord opened the eyes of Balaam. (22)
  11. 20. The tribe of ________ set before Aaron the priest that they may minister to him. (3)
  12. 21. The son of Jephunneh? (14)
  13. 22. The Lord gave him the covenant of peace as he was jealous for his God. (25)
  14. 23. By the command of the Lord Moses wrote down the _______ places, stage by stage. (33)
  15. 25. The earth opened and all that belonged to them were swallowed up alive and went down to Sheol. (16)
  16. 26. The starting age at which the census was taken. (1)
  17. 27. The sons of Judah were Er and ____ ; and they died in the land of Canaan. (26)
  18. 29. He was the first born son of Aaron. (3)
  19. 31. Nadab and _______ died before the Lord when they offered unholy fire before the Lord. (3)
  20. 34. The king of ________ would not let Israel pass thru his land. (20)
  21. 36. Balaam is the son of _______. (24)