The book of Zephaniah

  1. 2. What will God completely sweep away from the face of the earth in the Great Day of the LORD? (Zeph. 1:2)
  2. 4. What will be consumed by the fire of God's jealousy? (Zeph. 3:8)
  3. 6. What will God restore to the faithful remnant when He saves them and brings them back? (Zeph. 3:20)
  4. 7. In the Great Day of the LORD what will people build but not live in? (Zeph 1:13)
  5. 10. Who has the people of Jerusalem not trusted? (Zeph. 3:2)
  6. 11. In the Great Day of the LORD who will no longer do wrong or tell lies? (Zeph. 3:13)
  7. 12. Because have done this against Him, God will bring distress on mankind. (Zeph 1:17)
  1. 1. If the people seek the LORD and humility and _____, God may conceal them on the Day of His anger. (Zeph. 2:3)
  2. 3. What city is rebellious, defiled and oppressive? (Zeph. 3:1)
  3. 5. The king of Judah (The Southern Kingdom) when Zephaniah was a prophet. (Zeph. 1:1)
  4. 8. What should a person in those days be in the presence of the LORD? (Zeph. 1:7)
  5. 9. Who profanes the sanctuary? (Zeph. 3:4)