The Boundless

  1. 3. Sad and depressed,or dispirited
  2. 5. Greatly amazed or astonished
  3. 6. A powered rail vehicle used for pulling trains
  4. 7. Kept secret or hidden
  5. 8. Respect and warm approval
  6. 11. Done against someone's will
  7. 17. A very steep rock face or cliff
  8. 18. A person considered to be important because of high rank
  9. 21. Brogan called Will this when he Will this when he came looking for him in the circus car
  10. 23. Will was called this by the eager audience
  11. 24. Rapid movements round and round
  1. 1. Persuade someone to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery
  2. 2. Set or turned on its end or upside down
  3. 4. Will saw this in the next sky the first time he slept in the Boundless
  4. 9. Capture the fascination of
  5. 10. Another term for Bigfoot
  6. 12. A mythical underwater creature called the lake....
  7. 13. A powerful whirlpool in the sea or a river
  8. 14. Splendid and expensive-looking
  9. 15. Spacious or gloomy
  10. 16. Wave or flourish
  11. 19. In a careful cautious manner
  12. 20. A person employed to carry luggage and other loads, especially in a railroad station
  13. 22. A sudden sharp pain or painful emotion