The Boys Who Challenged Hitler

  1. 3. the last name of the British prime minister in world war 2
  2. 4. stiff
  3. 7. national socialist party
  4. 9. a plan to exterminate the Jews by Hitler
  5. 12. large damage of something
  6. 15. leader of the nazis in world war 2
  7. 16. a common gun used in world war 2
  8. 17. an explosive weapon
  9. 20. combat fight
  10. 21. Berlin is the capitol
  11. 22. an airborne unite
  12. 23. a place where prisoners are kept
  13. 26. underwater missle
  14. 30. leader of a Christian church
  1. 1. a person who has broken the law
  2. 2. war realtions
  3. 5. relating to Denmark for its people and language
  4. 6. Oslo is the capital of this country
  5. 8. a place where boats go or come from
  6. 10. savage; destroy or damage
  7. 11. when a country gives in to another country
  8. 13. position of command in armed forces
  9. 14. a place to stay safe during a bombing raid
  10. 18. electricity is gone
  11. 19. an airborne object used in combat
  12. 24. sudden attacks
  13. 25. a long-lasting battle
  14. 27. seizing a country and taking control
  15. 28. a german word for tank units
  16. 29. a large ship or boat