The Brain!

  1. 3. - refers to the ability for nerve cells to change through new experiences
  2. 5. neurons - sensory neurons that carry nerve impulses from sensory stimuli towards the central nervous system and brain
  3. 6. nervous system - automatically regulates the function of body systems outside of voluntary control.
  4. 7. nervous system - part of the nervous system comprising the sensory and motor neurons that innervate the sense organs and the skeletal muscles
  5. 9. lobe - the most anterior (front) part of the brain
  6. 12. - the small gap between two neurons
  7. 15. nervous system all of the neurons that sense and communicate data to the central nervous system.
  8. 16. lobe - the visual processing area of the brain
  9. 17. neurons - whose axon carries impulses away from the central nervous system toward an effector
  10. 19. - the part of the brain that develops from the anterior section of the neural tube in the embryo
  11. 20. cortex - associated with higher level processes such as consciousness, thought, emotion, reasoning, language, and memory.
  1. 1. - the posterior of three bulges that appear in the embryonic brain as it develops from the neural tube
  2. 2. nervous system - a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system
  3. 4. callosum - a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  4. 8. nervous system the entire complex of neurons, axons, and supporting tissue that constitute the brain and spinal cord.
  5. 10. nervous system - involved in preparing the body for stress-related activities
  6. 11. lobe - the second largest lobe of the human cerebrum
  7. 13. lobe - processes sensory information it receives from the outside world
  8. 14. - chemical messengers
  9. 18. - the information processing units of the brain which have a responsibility for sending, receiving, and transmitting electrochemical signals throughout the body.