The Brain

  1. 2. the only student in every nature class section
  2. 5. candle ceremony
  3. 7. where you hide from teachers
  4. 10. flatball
  5. 11. Keeper of frisbees
  6. 16. possibly the tallest person at school
  7. 18. art bonanza
  8. 19. Baby grit's favorite character virtue
  9. 20. foam weapons
  10. 21. a river of four
  11. 23. garden surprises
  12. 24. biggest club at school
  13. 25. north star
  1. 1. Dean of students' daughter
  2. 3. all together now
  3. 4. you're reading it
  4. 6. Always broken
  5. 8. only 4R student without a heart
  6. 9. Snack box (2 wrds)
  7. 12. dispenser of bandaids
  8. 13. sea weasel
  9. 14. the green shed
  10. 15. kites en espanol
  11. 17. First class of the day
  12. 22. never signed out