The Bride Brainteaser!

  1. 2. Most likely parent to cry during the ceremony
  2. 7. Which Camissa beverage will warm the bride after the vows?
  3. 8. Wedding cake
  4. 11. How many tiers did Prince William and Kate have in their wedding cake?
  5. 15. Your compassionate bridesmaid
  6. 16. Which translucent apparatus will keep the bride dry if it rains?
  7. 19. Most likely sibling to find ways to incorporate business advice into wedding conversations
  8. 20. Your 'murican bridesmaid
  9. 21. "lunar bees"
  10. 24. Our favourite wedding dress shop
  11. 25. How many months until your special day?
  12. 26. Your wedding season
  1. 1. Your legal bridesmaid
  2. 3. Your athletic bridesmaid
  3. 4. The groom
  4. 5. Which book of the bible will you 'unlock' after your wedding day?
  5. 6. Who will be the most beautiful bride we have ever seen?
  6. 7. Your favourite bridesmaid everrr(I won't tell!)
  7. 9. Most likely sibling to high five you after you get married
  8. 10. The wedding jol location
  9. 12. Your wedding day
  10. 13. Inspiration for the first dance
  11. 14. The "I do" location
  12. 17. Most likely parent to have everything under control
  13. 18. What did the Ancient Greeks and Romans think would protect the bride from evil spirits?
  14. 22. Current feeling towards the wedding?
  15. 23. Your new surname