The Canadian Pacific Railway

  1. 6. Directed the Canadian Pacific Survey
  2. 9. Directed his employees to work on the CPR at a fast rate
  3. 11. The ____ rebellion saved the CPR from financial ruin
  4. 13. Political group that disagreed with the making of the CPR
  5. 15. Temporary homes for CPR employees
  6. 16. The CPR is John A. Macdonald's national ___
  7. 18. Led to the resignation of John A. Macdonald
  8. 20. Thousands of chinese immigrants came to work in BC after the ___ gold rush
  9. 21. The connection of the eastern and western sections of the CPR
  10. 22. Immigrants hired to work on the railway in BC
  1. 1. Sanford Fleming suggested this pass during his survey
  2. 2. The colony that was promised a railroad
  3. 3. Drove the last spike
  4. 4. Contributed to the 1872 election that led to the Pacifc Scandal
  5. 5. ____ A. Macdonald created the National Policy
  6. 7. President of the Bank of Montreal
  7. 8. Location of the Last Spike
  8. 10. Tariffs, western settlement, and CPR were included
  9. 12. A nation led by Chief Crowfoot
  10. 14. Negotiated with Chief Crowfoot
  11. 17. The terminus of the CPR
  12. 19. Members of this group include George Stephen and Donald Smith