The cardiovascular system

  1. 3. red bone marrow of bones
  2. 8. echocardiogram
  3. 11. irregular heart beat
  4. 13. a type of heart valve disease
  5. 14. tests test that measures stress levels
  6. 15. pertaining to
  7. 18. happens when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in your body
  8. 20. electrocardiogram
  9. 21. disease
  10. 22. emergency room
  11. 24. chest
  1. 1. something blocks blood supply to part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts
  2. 2. monitoring electrocardiography device, a portable device for cardiac monitoring for at least 24 hours
  3. 4. test that measures exercise
  4. 5. beats per minute
  5. 6. cardiovascular
  6. 7. networks of small vessels that perfuse tissues
  7. 9. pumps blood through the system
  8. 10. vessels that return blood to the heart
  9. 12. vessels that deliver blood to tissues
  10. 16. inflammation
  11. 17. coronary artery bypass graft
  12. 19. A blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle.
  13. 23. pain
  14. 25. chest pain