The Cardiovascular System

  1. 1. the inner layer of the heart
  2. 4. chest pain
  3. 6. has the function to pump blood to the rest of the body
  4. 8. This procedure allows patients to live when all other options won’t work
  5. 9. heart
  6. 12. nvolves chest compressions and breathing techniques to pump the heart and breathe for the patient
  7. 15. the outer layer of the heart, the visceral pericardium
  8. 17. a condition in which an artery has a weakened wall, causing it to swell
  9. 19. the small arteries
  10. 21. the muscular layer that contracts to pump blood
  11. 22. pulse
  12. 23. rule out
  13. 24. use to diagnose things like narrowing (stenosis) or aneurysms
  14. 27. fast
  15. 28. hardening
  16. 29. the area where the heart lies
  1. 1. This test helps check heart rhythm and may diagnose other heart issues
  2. 2. a complete stopping of the heart
  3. 3. the heart attack, the lack of blood flow is caused by a blockage or a narrowing in one of the coronary arteries
  4. 5. chest
  5. 7. hypertension
  6. 10. coronary artery bypass graft
  7. 11. a test that uses ultrasound to look at the heart and its vessels
  8. 13. nausea and vomiting
  9. 14. the bottom of the heart
  10. 16. the largest artery in the body
  11. 18. a condition in which the pericardial sac around the heart is inflamed
  12. 20. high blood pressure
  13. 25. the top of the heart
  14. 26. narrowing