The Case of the Missing Turtle

  1. 1. What color was the Molly's neck
  2. 4. How long was the turtle?
  3. 7. What month did the turtle go missing?
  4. 8. What did Evan borrow from his mom?
  5. 11. What was James wearing when he ran into the office get help?
  6. 13. What was the turtles name?
  7. 15. What color of green did James say Molly was?
  8. 16. What day of the week did Molly go missing?
  1. 2. What kind of Pond Turtle was Molly?
  2. 3. Turtles and Bears do this in the winter
  3. 5. Where was the detectives office?
  4. 6. What did Molly like to sit on every day?
  5. 9. What season does Evan think the turtle will come back?
  6. 10. The turtles owners name
  7. 12. Birds fly this direction for the winter
  8. 14. What was the detectives name?