The Castle

  1. 1. Con told the family that the sleeping masks were 'complimentary' or _______.
  2. 4. Dale's gift was a ____________ tooth necklace.
  3. 10. Con said that ______ was everywhere in Thailand.
  4. 14. Darryl's 'samurai sword letter opener' went "straight to the _____ room."
  5. 16. None of the family had ever travelled further than _____ (2 words) until Con and tracy went to Thailand.
  6. 17. The 'genuine' gift bought for Sally for $15.
  7. 18. One of the in-flight movies Tracey enjoyed.
  8. 21. The Kerrigans' home was right near Melbourne ______.
  1. 2. Darryl bought a _______ detector for $75, which paid for itself quickly.
  2. 3. The Canberra _______ Court was where the Kerrigan Decision was made.
  3. 5. The company that wanted the Kerrigans' house.
  4. 6. Queen's Counsel (initials)
  5. 7. Darryl asked the council valuer if ____ in the soil was a problem.
  6. 8. The name of Darryl's favourite greyhound.
  7. 9. Sally loved to make coffee ____ in her pottery class.
  8. 11. Lawrence Hammill was a QC or ______________.
  9. 12. Beef ____________ was one piece of airline food Con thought was great.
  10. 13. Wayne was in prison for armed ____________.
  11. 14. Lead (initials)
  12. 15. Darryl's neighbour, Farouk, came from this country.
  13. 19. The official name for Ayer's Rock.
  14. 20. Steve received a Walkman as a _____ from Thailand.