The Catcher in the Rye

  1. 3. Holden's little brother died from _______.
  2. 4. Holden's annoying neighbor at boarding school.
  3. 6. Holden hates "_____".
  4. 8. After fighting with ______ Holden decides to go back home to New York City.
  5. 11. The name of the school Holden leaves.
  6. 12. Holden is upset to see ______ on the walls of his elementary school.
  7. 14. _____ punches Holden in the stomach after Holden calls him a "dirty moron".
  1. 1. The history teacher that lectures Holden about his future.
  2. 2. The item that reflects Holden's individuality.
  3. 5. Holden has been expelled from how many schools.
  4. 7. The one class Holden passes.
  5. 9. Holden tell Phoebe that he wants to ______ ______.
  6. 10. "I'm the most terrific ______ you ever say in your life."
  7. 13. Holden asks multiple cab drivers if they know what happens to _____ when lakes freeze.