The Causes of Civil War Review Crossword

  1. 3. In the Compromise of 1850 California entered as a __________ state, in the rest of the Mexican session slavery would be decided by _______________ sovereignty, and a stronger fugitive ___________ law was passed.
  2. 5. In the Missouri Compromise, ______________ would enter the Union as a slave state, and _____________ would enter as a _____________ state.
  3. 7. This is the movement to completely end slavery.
  4. 9. The idea that the states had more power than the federal government.
  5. 12. He fought slavery by publishing the anti-slavery newspaper “The Liberator” and was president of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
  6. 15. She was the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad.
  7. 16. As a result of the unfair election, two separate Kansas governments were formed (one for slavery, the other against). Over the next two years, Kansas collapsed into _________ ________ and two ________________ people died.
  8. 19. Frederick Douglass was the most famous abolitionist public _______________. He published an anti-slavery ____________________ called the North-Star, and wrote autobiographies to show the injustice of ________________.
  9. 21. Some abolitionists believed that African Americans should receive the ______________ treatment as whites. Others believed blacks should not receive _______________ with whites.
  10. 22. The Underground Railroad was a network of ________________ and ______________ places to help escaped slaves get to freedom.
  11. 24. Abraham ______________ won the Election of 1860 without any electoral votes from the _________________.
  1. 1. To influence the Kansas vote on slavery, _______ thousand voters crossed the Kansas border from Missouri and ___________ for the state to have slavery be legal.
  2. 2. ____________ _______________ was born a slave but sued for his freedom after he moved to the free territory of Wisconsin with his master. In the ruling the Supreme Court ruled he and other blacks were not ____________ and had no right to sue in federal court. They also ruled that the Missouri Compromise was illegal and the government couldn’t ban ____________ in the territories.
  3. 4. _______________ Sovereignty means that political _______________ belongs to the people.
  4. 6. This abolitionist changed her name after getting her freedom and fought slavery by giving speeches for the rights of slaves and women.
  5. 8. The Grimke Sisters fought slavery by writing anti-slavery _____________ and tried to _____________ other white southern _______________ to the anti-slavery cause.
  6. 10. Between 1860 and 1861 eleven southern states seceded from the United States of America and formed the ____________________ States of America.
  7. 11. The _________________ states believed that the states had more power than the federal government.
  8. 13. John Brown thought that he was called on by _________ to end slavery. He planned to _____________ the federal arsenal, take all the weapons, give them to slaves, and start a rebellion. His planned failed and he was caught and put to _____________.
  9. 14. In order for Senator Stephen Douglas to get his railroad a compromise was formed called the Kansas-Nebraska Act. As a result of the compromise, the Louisiana Purchase was divided into the _____________ and Nebraska territories. _______________ in each territory would be decided by the ________________ (popular sovereignty).
  10. 15. She wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which showed the evils and cruelty of slavery.
  11. 17. The Election of 1860 showed the South they were losing political _____________ and that slavery may be in __________________.
  12. 18. The idea that the federal government had more power than the states.
  13. 19. Disagreements between regions in the country.
  14. 20. Most _________________ states believe the federal government had more power than the states.
  15. 23. Senator Stephen Douglas wanted an intercontinental railroad running through the ______________.