The Censor

  1. 3. Trees that shed or lose leaves at the end of the growing season
  2. 5. Perfectly
  3. 7. Attack, disturb
  4. 8. To surrender or acknowledge defeat
  5. 11. Restatement or repetition
  6. 13. The division in 1947 of the Indian subcontinent into two independent countries, India and Pakistan, after British withdrawal
  7. 15. A fragrant compound from an Asian evergreen tree, used in skin-care products
  8. 16. To celebrate or honor
  9. 17. The fiber from an Asian plane, used for sacking and cording
  10. 19. The science or study of plants
  11. 20. Complete independence and self-governance
  1. 1. Sequence; ordered arrangement
  2. 2. Independent, self-governance
  3. 4. A fellow citizen or person from same country
  4. 6. A British term for cookies or crackers
  5. 9. A man’s felt hat in the shape of a flat-topped cone, worn mainly in the eastern Mediterranean region.
  6. 10. A garment worn mostly by women of Pakistan and India, consisting of a length of fabric with one end wrapped around the waist to form a skirt and the other end draped over the shoulder or covering the head.
  7. 12. Unnoticeable
  8. 14. Seeds of the betel palm, chewed as a stimulant
  9. 18. To form or comprise