The Challenges of Growth

  1. 6. set apart
  2. 7. The most serious problem caused by Westward Expansion
  3. 10. toll road
  4. 11. Created a new road to the west: Wilderness Road
  5. 13. channel that is dug across land filled with water
  6. 14. first federally funded road
  1. 1. chase after; try to capture
  2. 2. Persuaded Congress to adopt the Missouri Compromise
  3. 3. Alarmed by the debate over the Missouri Compromise
  4. 4. road roads made of sawed-off logs, laid side by side
  5. 5. Sought admission as a slave state since 1817
  6. 8. Joined the Union in 1819
  7. 9. Joined the Union in 1792
  8. 12. Became the richest city in the nation