The Changing Earth

  1. 2. Connected or relating to floods
  2. 5. When the last _______ split in two (one of the names)
  3. 6. Molten rock below the surface of the earth.
  4. 8. The name given to pieces of the earth's crust
  5. 9. The study of earth shaping processes
  6. 10. An idea for the creation of our solar system from the inside out
  7. 11. The model of rock strata
  8. 12. Many rock layers stacked on top of each other
  9. 14. Oceanic plates sliding under continental plates
  10. 15. Continents used to be connected, but somehow broke and moved apart.
  11. 16. One rock layer
  12. 17. The process of new ocean crust being formed
  1. 1. The oldest are at the bottom, the youngest are at the top. What is this principle?
  2. 3. When the last _______ split in two (one of the names)
  3. 4. A version of plate tectonics that fits well with the Bible's flood account
  4. 7. The most recent ______ to our current world map
  5. 13. One huge land mass where all continents are joined together