The changing UK economy 20.01 to 20.11

  1. 2. process of creating state owned industry
  2. 6. area where coal is mined
  3. 7. parks for retail, offices, light industry
  4. 9. having no job
  5. 13. impact of human activity on nature
  6. 14. sites where they bury refuse
  7. 15. another name used for a mine
  8. 19. structure:the types of work we do
  9. 20. the tidal mouth of a large river
  1. 1. industry reverts to private ownership
  2. 3. home to the hi-tech industry
  3. 4. travel to work from the suburbs
  4. 5. exploitation of biological processes
  5. 8. parks e.g. The Lake District
  6. 10. urbanisation, moving to rural areas
  7. 11. a hi-tech hub
  8. 12. sector involving knowledge and research
  9. 15. linking areas of economic growth
  10. 16. areas given aid for new business
  11. 17. build up of traffic
  12. 18. harmful materials in the environment