The Chinese Head Tax

  1. 5. the immigration act left many Chinese Canadian (specifically men) what
  2. 8. not a part of Canada at the time, had a $300 head tax in 1906
  3. 10. name of the act that banned Chinese immigration
  4. 12. Name of tax that was required from Chinese Immigrants upon entry
  5. 13. Stephen Harper gave surviving victims of the head tax a symbolic what
  6. 15. where most Chinese Canadians worked during the second wave of immigration
  1. 1. home to the first Chinatown in Canada
  2. 2. Name of railway that was built in 1881-1858
  3. 3. year in which the Immigration Act was repealed
  4. 4. ratio that was 28-1 in 1923
  5. 6. the job many Chinese Canadian's had during the first wave of immigration
  6. 7. Before the Immigration Act was repealed Chinese Canadians were not allowed to practice what science\health industry?
  7. 9. what Stephen Harper did in 2006
  8. 11. after the Immigration Act was repealed Chinese Canadians were allowed to what
  9. 14. if a Chinese person left Canada for this amount of years they had to pay the tax again upon reentering Canada