The Ching Dynasty and Revolutions

  1. 2. commander of the ever victorious army
  2. 6. the nationalist party of china
  3. 8. conservative aunt of the emperor Ci Xi
  4. 11. a reform movement to modernize china
  5. 13. chinese official that demanded europeans follow chinese laws and to end the opium trade
  6. 14. first president of the chinese republic
  7. 16. a radical revolutionary that sought to end imperial rule
  8. 17. killed about 20 million chinese in this civil war
  1. 1. called for free and open trade markets in china
  2. 3. proclaimed a new dynasty called the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace
  3. 4. european section of china that followed their own rules and laws
  4. 5. the righteous society of harmonious fists, sought to destroy foreigners
  5. 7. products used to manufacture consumer goods
  6. 9. areas of china where european nations had exclusive trading rights
  7. 10. legalized the opium trade in china
  8. 12. a sum of money paid as compensation for wrongdoing
  9. 15. fought over the right to sell a narcotic product in china