The Christmas Story (Matthew 1:18-2)

  1. 3. This is how the Magi knew to not go back to King Herod with news of where baby Jesus was, and why they went home on another route.
  2. 4. This is the kind of man that Joseph was.
  3. 5. This is the district where Joseph eventually settled with Mary and baby Jesus.
  4. 6. The region where Bethlehem is located.
  5. 9. This is how the Magi reacted when they finally found the place where baby Jesus was at.
  6. 13. The prophets foretold that Jesus would be called a _______________.
  7. 14. This is what King Herod came to realize that the Magi did to him.
  8. 16. This is one of the gifts that the Magi gave to baby Jesus.
  9. 21. This is the person who became king of Judea after King Herod died.
  10. 23. Jesus came to be the ________________ of God's people.
  11. 24. A famous Israeli city where King Herod was living when Jesus was born.
  12. 25. Everything about Christmas happened to _____________ what the prophet had spoken.
  1. 1. This word means, "God with us."
  2. 2. This is the place of Jesus' birth.
  3. 6. This is the prophet who foretold that King Herod would kill all the baby boys two years old and younger in and round Bethlehem during the time of Jesus' birth.
  4. 7. This is why the Magi came to baby Jesus.
  5. 8. This is what the Magi followed to help them find baby Jesus.
  6. 10. This is where the angel told Jospeh to go because King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus.
  7. 11. This was the town where Joseph and his family eventually settled and lived after Jesus was born.
  8. 12. The king of Judea when Jesus was born.
  9. 15. Joseph didn't want Mary to experience this even though she was found to be with child.
  10. 17. This is what Jesus came to do for His people, and why He was given the name 'Jesus.'
  11. 18. This is how King Herod felt when he learned that a new 'king of the Jews' had been born.
  12. 19. These men came from the east in order to find baby Jesus.
  13. 20. This is what the Magi were supposed to do for Herod once the found baby Jesus.
  14. 22. This is the way Herod called the Magi in order to find out more about what they knew regarding baby Jesus.